seedreg - Regression Analysis for Seed Germination as a Function of
Regression analysis using common models in seed
temperature studies, such as the Gaussian model (Martins, JF,
Barroso, AAM, & Alves, PLCA (2017)
<doi:10.1590/s0100-83582017350100039>), quadratic (Nunes, AL,
Sossmeier, S, Gotz, AP, & Bispo, NB (2018) <doi:
10.17265/2161-6264/2018.06.002>) and others with potential for
use, such as those implemented in the 'drc' package (Ritz, C,
Baty, F, Streibig, JC, & Gerhard, D (2015).
<doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0146021>), in the estimation of the
ideal and cardinal temperature for the occurrence of plant seed
germination. The functions return graphs with the equations